miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

Exercise #4, Other Ways to Classify Galaxies

Question 1.
How many of the galaxies' colors match their Hubble      Tuning Fork types? How many do not?
        -We think all of the of them match with the hubble tuning fork types

Question 2.
 Do you think color classification is a good (even if it is not perfect) way of classifying galaxies? Why or why not?
    -It is a good way to classify them but not a perfect one because there are some galaxies that have lots of colors so we don’t know in which spot place them.

Exercise #3, Galaxy Clusters

Part 1

- We think the galaxies of abell 957 are the ones that are centered in the image, the ones that are further we think the are not part of abell 957

Part 2

All of them have the same yellow-kind color the only think we found they difference them is the distance from each

Exercise #2, The Hubble Tuning Fork

Question 4.

Compare and contrast your classification system to Hubble's. How are they similar? How are they different?

  - The similitudes between our classification and Hubble's classification are:
 Both take into account the shapes of galaxies
  - The differences between our classification and Hubble's classification  are:
 Hubble's classificattion doesnt take into account the distance

Exercise #1, Classifying Galaxies

Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Question 1

Do you have the same number of galaxy classes as the other group? If not, what distinctions did one group draw that the other did not?
    - Most of them are the same, for example group #1 and group #4 are exactly the same But some of the galaxies from group #1 are in the group #3

Question 2 

What do your classification systems have in common? What makes them different?
    -What They Have in common is that the yellow galaxies are organized in the same way
    -What makes them different is that some blue galaxies are mixed together

Question 3

Try to combine the best features of each classification system. Repeat Exercise 1 with your new system.

Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Changes Made
176: Passed From Group 1 To Group 3
198: Passed From Group 1 To Group 3
432: Passed From Group 3 to Group 1